Monday, April 15, 2013

Some New Features...

Added some outer coverings over the lanes to prevent the ball from jumping out of bounds and getting stuck (happens more frequently now that the ball moves faster). These are more or less placeholders until I get the time and energy to make better ones. For now, they are made of foam core with paper printouts of the same old wood texture I used for the inner walls. Not only does it effectively save the ball from getting stuck outside the playing field, it also makes it look really cool. Also finally broke down and used car wax to polish the heck out of the surface. I didn't do a full strip of the play field. I only removed the rails that go across the field from the right ramp to get it out of the way. After that, I added a generous layer of Armor All.

Added 2 blue LED strips across the inside on the bottom. Gives an eerie "haunted seas" look.

Here's a video of the new and improved machine in action...